
Do you care about democracy and citizensā€˜ rights in Switzerland and throughout the world? Do you consider investing in the democratic and peaceful co-existence of our societies?

The Swiss Democracy Foundation supports projects that promote the knowledge and understanding for greater participation of citizens in the political process, democracy, tolerance and international understanding.

In order to develop and strengthen our foundation the Foundation needs a solid financial underpinning. Though there are good news: Sponsors in Germany have promised to donate the equal amount of Francs that are donated to the Swiss Democracy Foundation. In other words: Each donation made to the Swiss Democracy Foundation will be doubled (up to 1 million Swiss Francs).

You are also welcome to direct your donation to one of our thematic funds, projects or events.

Please talk to us about your possibilities to invest into a rich democratic culture and peaceful societies throughout the world.

Contact information

Adrian Schmid
President of the Board


Domicile of the foundation

Swiss Democracy Foundation
Unterguetschstrasse 26
6003 Luzern

Payment Details

Swiss Post, PostFinance, 3030 Bern, Switzerland

Account number: 89-305766-5 CHF
IBAN: CH24 0900 0000 8930 5766 5

Payment form with QR code



The Swiss Democracy Foundation is an operational foundation. The Foundation initiates its own projects and events in various areas of democracy promotion and works closely with partner organisations at national and international level.

In addition, the Swiss Democracy Foundation administers the Youth + Democracy Fund, through which it supports organisations and projects run by young people and young adults. Only applications that comply with the guidelines of the Youth + Democracy Fund will be considered.