2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy Bucharest

The 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in Bucharest

For the first time in the fifteen-year history of the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy, the 12th edition of the world's largest conference on direct democracy took place in Eastern Europe: from 15 to 18 May 2024 in the Romanian capital Bucharest.

The Swiss Democracy Foundation and Democracy International as well as other partner organisations were delighted about the continued exchange on strengthening and protecting democracy with experts from all over the world.

Prior to the official forum, an optional pre-tour to the Global Forum took place from 13 to 15 May 2024:

This tour offered participants the opportunity to experience democracy in Romania first-hand, participate directly in practical civil society projects and immerse themselves in the heart of democratic innovation and civic empowerment in the Global Forum host country.


Building confidence in democracy and democratic transformation in Eastern Europe

2024 is a crucial year for Romanian democracy. European elections will take place just two weeks after the Forum, followed by local and parliamentary elections later in the year. Against this backdrop, the Global Forum 2024 focused on one central theme: trust.

Trust in institutions, media and citizens is essential for our democracies. It is alarming that less than a quarter of Romanians trust their government and only 12 percent trust their parliament. Without trust, how can we expect to make decisions together and for each other? At the same time, trust in the sovereignty of citizens and in a peaceful Europe is being put to an unprecedented test by the ongoing war in Ukraine, which affects not only Romania but also neighbouring Moldova and the entire Black Sea region.

It is time to reaffirm the fundamental values of democracy and to rebuild a more inclusive democracy.





Review of the Pre-Tour to the 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy


Review 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy








    Group Photo GFMDD2024








    Panel "The role of Romania in the EU after 9 June"








    Launch of the Yearly Global Report on Direct Democracy








    Fireside chat panel: “Mayors for democracy”








    Programme GFMDD2024


Live stream - Thursday, May 16 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy


Live stream - Friday, May 17 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy


Live stream - Saturday, May 18 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
